在之前的教程中,我们完成了如何写一个broadcaster和一个监听者,该教程会介绍如何向tf树中添加一个固定的或者是动态变化的frame。事实上,添加一个frame的过程非常像创建一个tf2 broadcaser的过程,下面我们会说明一些额外的关于添加frame的特点。
tf2 树 tf2构建的是框架的树形结构,因此在框架结构中不允许出现闭合循环。这意味着一棵树可以有多个子节点,但是只能有一个父节点。目前我们的tf2树有三个节点,两个turtle frame 和一个 world frame.如果我们要添加一个frame ,那么我们就需要让三者之一成为父节点
写一个fixed frame的boardcaster 下面我们会添加一个新的frame,名字为carrot1,它的父节点为turtle1,他会作为第二个乌龟的目标去追踪
1 wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ros/geometry_tutorials/ros2/turtle_tf2_py/turtle_tf2_py/fixed_frame_tf2_broadcaster.py
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 from geometry_msgs.msg import TransformStampedimport rclpyfrom rclpy.node import Nodefrom tf2_ros import TransformBroadcasterclass FixedFrameBroadcaster (Node ): def __init__ (self ): super ().__init__('fixed_frame_tf2_broadcaster' ) self.br = TransformBroadcaster(self) self.timer = self.create_timer(0.1 , self.broadcast_timer_callback) def broadcast_timer_callback (self ): t = TransformStamped() t.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg() t.header.frame_id = 'turtle1' t.child_frame_id = 'carrot1' t.transform.translation.x = 0.0 t.transform.translation.y = 2.0 t.transform.translation.z = 0.0 t.transform.rotation.x = 0.0 t.transform.rotation.y = 0.0 t.transform.rotation.z = 0.0 t.transform.rotation.w = 1.0 self.br.sendTransform(t) def main (): rclpy.init() node = FixedFrameBroadcaster() try : rclpy.spin(node) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass rclpy.shutdown()
代码审查 下面看一下关键行的代码
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 t = TransformStamped() t.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg() t.header.frame_id = 'turtle1' t.child_frame_id = 'carrot1' t.transform.translation.x = 0.0 t.transform.translation.y = 2.0 t.transform.translation.z = 0.0
launch文件 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 import osfrom ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directoryfrom launch import LaunchDescriptionfrom launch.actions import IncludeLaunchDescriptionfrom launch.launch_description_sources import PythonLaunchDescriptionSourcefrom launch_ros.actions import Nodedef generate_launch_description (): demo_nodes = IncludeLaunchDescription( PythonLaunchDescriptionSource([os.path.join( get_package_share_directory('learning_tf2_py' ), 'launch' ), '/turtle_tf2_demo.launch.py' ]), ) return LaunchDescription([ demo_nodes, Node( package='learning_tf2_py' , executable='fixed_frame_tf2_broadcaster' , name='fixed_broadcaster' , ), ])
build and run 1 ros2 launch learning_tf2_py turtle_tf2_fixed_frame_demo.launch.py
结果检查 如果你使用键盘移动了一个乌龟,你会发现这和原来的结果并没有任何的不同。虽然我们添加了一个frame,但是这个新增的frame并没有对其他的frame产生任何的影响。
1 2 3 4 5 def generate_launch_description(): demo_nodes = IncludeLaunchDescription( ..., launch_arguments={'target_frame': 'carrot1'}.items(), )
1 ros2 launch learning_tf2_py turtle_tf2_fixed_frame_demo.launch.py target_frame:=carrot1
写一个动态的frame broadcaster 我们在之前创建了一个固定的frame,他和父节点的关系不会改变,已知在父节点y轴方向2米处。但是,如果您想发布一个非固定的 frame,您可以编boardcaseter程序来随时间改变frame。让我们改变我们的carrto1 frame,使它随着时间相对于turtle1 frame发生变化。现在输入以下命令下载以下代码:
1 wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ros/geometry_tutorials/ros2/turtle_tf2_py/turtle_tf2_py/dynamic_frame_tf2_broadcaster.py
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 import mathfrom geometry_msgs.msg import TransformStampedimport rclpyfrom rclpy.node import Nodefrom tf2_ros import TransformBroadcasterclass DynamicFrameBroadcaster (Node ): def __init__ (self ): super ().__init__('dynamic_frame_tf2_broadcaster' ) self.br = TransformBroadcaster(self) self.timer = self.create_timer(0.1 , self.broadcast_timer_callback) def broadcast_timer_callback (self ): seconds, _ = self.get_clock().now().seconds_nanoseconds() x = seconds * math.pi t = TransformStamped() t.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg() t.header.frame_id = 'turtle1' t.child_frame_id = 'carrot1' t.transform.translation.x = 10 * math.sin(x) t.transform.translation.y = 10 * math.cos(x) t.transform.translation.z = 0.0 t.transform.rotation.x = 0.0 t.transform.rotation.y = 0.0 t.transform.rotation.z = 0.0 t.transform.rotation.w = 1.0 self.br.sendTransform(t) def main (): rclpy.init() node = DynamicFrameBroadcaster() try : rclpy.spin(node) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass rclpy.shutdown()
代码审查 现在我们不再固定y轴为2.0,利用sin和cos函数实时改变转换
1 2 3 4 5 seconds, _ = self.get_clock().now().seconds_nanoseconds() x = seconds * math.pi ... t.transform.translation.x = 10 * math.sin(x) t.transform.translation.y = 10 * math.cos(x)
launch 文件 新建文件turtle_tf2_dynamic_frame_demo.launch.py
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 import osfrom ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directoryfrom launch import LaunchDescriptionfrom launch.actions import IncludeLaunchDescriptionfrom launch.launch_description_sources import PythonLaunchDescriptionSourcefrom launch_ros.actions import Nodedef generate_launch_description (): demo_nodes = IncludeLaunchDescription( PythonLaunchDescriptionSource([os.path.join( get_package_share_directory('learning_tf2_py' ), 'launch' ), '/turtle_tf2_demo.launch.py' ]), launch_arguments={'target_frame' : 'carrot1' }.items(), ) return LaunchDescription([ demo_nodes, Node( package='learning_tf2_py' , executable='dynamic_frame_tf2_broadcaster' , name='dynamic_broadcaster' , ), ])
build and run